1 A scheduled event occurs 2 A new item is posted in this folder 3 An item is changed in this folder 4 An item is deleted in this folder 5 Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? 6 Confirm Deletion 7 Error 8 Failed to add new binding. Error = %1!#08x!.%0 9 New Agent 10 Copy of %ws 11 You must select a server before creating a new agent. Click OK, select a server from the drop-down list, and then click New again. 12 The server previously selected to run agents in this folder is no longer available. You must select a new server or agents in this folder will not be executed. 13 An error ocurred while trying to save your changes. Error = %1!#08x!%0 14 Failed to save changed settings. Error = %1!#08x!%0 15 Failed to delete the selected binding. Error = %1!#08x!%0 16 An error ocurred while writing the temporary file. Check to make sure you have free space on you disk drive. Error = %1!#08x!%0 17 Editing 18 You still have an editing session open, please close it before continuing. 19 You do not have required permissions. Please contact your administrator.%0 20 There are no logs available for this agent.%0 21 Failed to display the logs for the selected agent. Error = %1!#08x!%0 22 Information 23 The name of the Agent can not be blank. 24 An error ocurred while trying to save the script. Error = %1!#08x!%0 25 You have not selected any events to run for this agent. Continue? 26 Warning 27 This will cause all agents in this folder to be moved to the new host. Continue?%0 28 Failed to change the host for all agents in this folder. Error = %1!#08x!%0 29 Interval is either not on a 15 minute boundary or does not divide a day evenly. The interval will be adjusted accordingly.%0 30 One or more agents no longer matches their binding entries. They may have been compromised. These agents will be skipped. 31 One or more bindings failed to be saved. The store you were working on may have gone down or your permissions may have changed.%0 32 You must select a handler before saving this agent.%0 33 Handler Properties 34 Properties for this handler could not be displayed because this handler is not installed locally.%0 35 This handler has no property page(s).%0 36 An error occurred while attempting to display the handler property page. Error = %1!#08x!%0 37 You must select a handler before getting properties.%0 38 Hours must be a number between 0 and 23. 39 Minutes must be a number between 0 and 59. 40 You do not have required permissions to change the host. Please contact your administrator.%0 41 Untitled 42 You can only change the host once. If you would like to change it again close and reopen the property page.%0 43 This folder was moved from its original store. All agents from that store will be ignored. 44 This folder appears to have been a recovered folder or a copy of another folder. Previous agents will be ignored. 45 The handler assigned to this Agent is not present on the server, your agent will not run until an Administrator installs it. 46 The schedule information is uninitialized. You do not have the required permissions to initialize the schedule.%0